Business account

How Business Account works?
Do you run an employment agency and want to take it to an even higher level? You create dozens of CVs for potential future employees and it takes you a lot of time? We are here to help! Thinking about people like you, we have created a special business bundle that allows your company to operate even more efficiently. Don't worry about how to create the perfect CV for your people - we know it and will be happy to support you.
Sign up
Setting up a Business Account on our website is extremely simple and it takes literally a moment. During registration procedure, you do not have to click on any confirmation link. – After creating a profile, you can log in immediately and purchase one of the three available business bundles. Each of the available bundles has exactly the same full range of functionalities, with adding a cover letter option. Ability to add an infinite number of identities on one account. The only difference between business bundles is time only - it depends on you only for how long would you like to use our creator. Choose between 1 month, 3 months or 12 months duration periods.
Smartie says
Each of the visible options has exactly the same range of functionalities

Choose a template and create a CV
Creating a unique CV is extremely simple and intuitive – first you choose one of the many available templates, colors as well, fill all of the boxes with your personal data, education, experience and skills of the selected person. Finally, you generate a CV to a file in the selected format and it is done - a unique document is now ready to be sent.
Be calm
Don't worry about the security of your personal information which you provide in our creator. They are encrypted and properly secured.
Smartie says
This webpage has SSL certificate

What will you gain?
By creating a Business Account on the BananaCV, you gain a lot possibilities, however ... what kind of exactly specific benefits? Here's what you gain from business cooperation with our platform!
Full range of creator functionality
By opening Business Account on Banana CV, you will always get all available tools on our website. We don't offer any hidden tools that you have to later purchase - The Business Account allows you to use all of the functionalities that we highly recommend for our customers.
Choose a bundle according to your needs
It is only up to you, how much money you want to spend on using our services and for how long you want to have access to all available tools. Choose one of the three available bundles and use it to your own needs.
Cooperate with an unlimited number of partners
Unlike to individual bundles, Business Account has no restriction with the number of identities on your profile. The business option allows you to add as many personalities as you need, therefore you can handle any number of people and partners without fear.
Save time and money
Instant registration, easy bundle selection, intuitive and fully a functional generator with an unlimited number of identities – all of that allows you to create dozens of unique CVs on your Business Account in literally a moment and it will save you a lot of time. Saving a time means also saving a money – instead of wasting time tediously after all, you can concentrate on your other important things, such as business or your hobbies.